UCC Ministry Oortunities Banner

"According to UCC Constitution and Bylaws 150-151, vacancies within the Conference are reported to the administrative offices of the denomination. An authorized minister may confer with the Conference concerning a pastoral vacancy. At the request of any UCC Ordained Minister or Ordained Ministerial Partner, the conference shall submit a current and validated profile to the Local Church."

Share Post http://oppsearch.ucc.org/id/5768
City Wailuku 
State HI 
Website 1 https://iaoucc.org 
Church Size 91
Part Time / Full Time FT
Duration Settled
Type of Position Pastor full time
Salary Basis $40,000-$50,000
Benefits Salary Plus Benefits
Housing Housing Allowance Provided
Ministry Description Ministry Description: Please describe in no more than 2,000 characters, including spaces, the opportunity for which you are seeking a minister. Include the precise job title and any other words you would like to be searchable keywords. We are an open and affirming congregation located on the breathtaking island of Maui. Our members are committed to supporting our mission statement: “We are a (diverse) people of God, living and sharing the love of Christ and reflecting that love in words and actions. We seek a full-time pastor to navigate with us to fill our congregation with love, aloha, openness, inclusivity and to help us to continue to grow, change and nurture each other as we explore our faith through worship services, community outreach and missions such as our food pantry and preschool. We also ask for guidance and support for our youth and young adults, our Micronesian ministry, and to members who are home-bound or in assisted living facilities. We are seeking a pastor who will provide suggestions for improvement in the fiscal and managerial operations of the church and support our music ministry. We are a welcoming community and encourage all people to join us in our worship, because we believe that, “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” We strive to work with a pastor who supports LGBTQ+ commitment to the broader community, to give a voice to the silenced, to bridge differences and celebrates commonalities, practices reconciliation, and embraces God’s gifts.
Date Posted 06/08/2023
Who To Contact
Name: Lori Yamashiro
Title: Search & Call
Phone: 8085379516
Email: lyamashiro@hcucc.org

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