UCC Ministry Oortunities Banner

"According to UCC Constitution and Bylaws 150-151, vacancies within the Conference are reported to the administrative offices of the denomination. An authorized minister may confer with the Conference concerning a pastoral vacancy. At the request of any UCC Ordained Minister or Ordained Ministerial Partner, the conference shall submit a current and validated profile to the Local Church."

Share Post http://oppsearch.ucc.org/id/6287
City Cleveland Heights 
State OH 
Website 1 www.fhcpresb.org 
Church Size
Part Time / Full Time FT
Duration Intentional Interim
Type of Position Interim
Salary Basis
Ministry Description Forest Hill is a vibrant, alive, progressive congregation. They take seriously the work of racial reconciliation as a part of their understanding of the gospel message. Their pastor of 30 years is retiring in August. Having a transitional pastor that understands the necessity of preparing a congregation after a long pastorate will be important.
Date Posted 07/09/2024
Status: Active
Who To Contact
Name: Adam Majot
Title: Transitional Search Committee Co-Chair
Phone: 304-692-9220
Email: transitionalpastor2024@fhcpresb.org

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