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"According to UCC Constitution and Bylaws 150-151, vacancies within the Conference are reported to the administrative offices of the denomination. An authorized minister may confer with the Conference concerning a pastoral vacancy. At the request of any UCC Ordained Minister or Ordained Ministerial Partner, the conference shall submit a current and validated profile to the Local Church."

Share Post http://oppsearch.ucc.org/id/6254
City Canaan 
State NY 
Website 1 http://www.canaanucc.org 
Website 2 https://www.facebook.com/groups/57988353351 
Church Size 37
Part Time / Full Time 1/4 time
Duration Designated-Term
Type of Position Pastor part time
Salary Basis $18,600-$30,000 depending on hrs and # of svcs
Benefits Salary Includes Optional Benefits
Housing No Housing Provided
Ministry Description The Town of Canaan is in the lovely rural Berkshire Hills with many vacation homes, seasonal residents, and a vibrant arts community. Founded in 1785, our church has a long history of strong lay leadership and well-educated constituents. A series of events over the past seven years prompted us to envision a bold concept for our ministry for which we seek a designated term pastor. In January 2023 we began a deep and extensive discernment period. Meeting every month, we determined that our pastor will not only be our spiritual guide to encourage exploration and innovation as we connect with the sacred, but also will be our collaborator as we purposefully engage and partner with our wider community. While our median age and current finances point to the end of our worship life in perhaps five years, we are deliberately taking this time as an opportunity to live out the reimagination of our ministry. Of course, we are open to regeneration - to whatever may emerge from these new efforts - that would be a grace-filled outcome. This is a flexible, developing ministry. If it doesn’t expand to a sustainable plan, we will be gratified that we have lived out our calling as servants to our broader community. Our vision entails redefining our church in our area as a social hub for organizations that serve our neighbors. As this plan evolves, the pastor’s role may evolve as well; that has yet to be determined. We’ve employed an Administrative Manager to coordinate and market to organizations and non-profits and have begun hosting a variety of programs, for example in association with the Office of the Aging, AARP and the Alzheimer’s Association. Canaan only has two other public spaces, the town hall and the fire station. Our building, designed specifically as a flexible space without pews, can accommodate many groups for multiple purposes and activities. We are excited to live into this new ministry.
Date Posted 06/17/2024
Status: Active
Who To Contact
Title: Search & Call Associate
Phone: 860-761-7112
Email: searchcall@sneucc.org
What to Know
Association: Berkshire Association
Typical Search Process in our Conference: Ministerial Profile sent at candidate request; search committee shares Local Church Profile if interested.

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