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"According to UCC Constitution and Bylaws 150-151, vacancies within the Conference are reported to the administrative offices of the denomination. An authorized minister may confer with the Conference concerning a pastoral vacancy. At the request of any UCC Ordained Minister or Ordained Ministerial Partner, the conference shall submit a current and validated profile to the Local Church."

Share Post http://oppsearch.ucc.org/id/6071
City Selinsgrove 
State PA 
Website 1 www.saintpauls-ucc.org 
Website 2 www.youtube.com/@saintpaulsselinsgrove 
Website 3 www.facebook.com/saintpaulsselinsgrove 
Church Size 300
Part Time / Full Time FT
Duration Settled
Type of Position Associate Pastor – FT
Salary Basis https://pccucc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Clergy-Comp-Guidelines-2024.pdf
Benefits Salary Plus Benefits
Housing Housing Allowance Provided
Ministry Description St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, guided by the UCC Statement of Faith, is a vibrant Open and Affirming church located in central PA in the borough of Selinsgrove. With a membership of about 300, a regular weekly attendance at Sunday services of 80-90, and a stable financial picture, we support a number of ministries for adults, children, and our local community. St. Paul's is a church whose strengths include a sense of community and an unwavering commitment to being Open & Affirming. We extend an extravagant welcome to all people. We are a church that cares deeply about each other and the broader community, actively engaging in outreach and service to make a positive impact. Music is an essential part of our worship, with a vibrant music ministry that includes wonderful choirs. St. Paul's is outward-looking, actively involved in ministries like the Loaves & Fishes food bank ministry, the Green Team focusing on sustainability, our Prayer Shawl ministry, and the Card and Caring ministry, demonstrating our love for others through action. We are a multi-generational community, united in fellowship and a shared love of God, always willing to grow and serve together. A recently completed vision and strategic planning process led us to the recognition that we need additional leadership from an Associate Pastor to help us better do God’s work and achieve the goals of our plan. Ideally the Associate Pastor called to St. Paul’s will be firmly committed to our Open and Affirming mission, a supportive partner to the Pastor, and an innovative leader of our youth and small group ministries. To determine the best candidate, we solicited feedback from the congregation on what characteristics of St. Paul’s are important to include in this description and what characteristics of an Associate Pastor will lead us to the best candidate for our church.
Date Posted 02/21/2024
Status: Active
Who To Contact
Title: Search and Call Coordinator
Phone: 7176521560
Email: butlerronnette@gmail.com

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