UCC Ministry Oortunities Banner

"According to UCC Constitution and Bylaws 150-151, vacancies within the Conference are reported to the administrative offices of the denomination. An authorized minister may confer with the Conference concerning a pastoral vacancy. At the request of any UCC Ordained Minister or Ordained Ministerial Partner, the conference shall submit a current and validated profile to the Local Church."

Share Post http://oppsearch.ucc.org/id/3874
City South Portland 
State ME 
Website 1 https://fccucc.org/ 
Website 2 https://www.facebook.com/fccucc/ 
Church Size 550
Part Time / Full Time FT
Duration Settled
Type of Position Associate Pastor – FT
Salary Basis https://www.maineucc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Updated-Compensation-Guidelines-2023-Long-Form.pdf
Benefits Salary Plus Benefits
Housing Housing Allowance Provided
Ministry Description Our active, Open & Affirming (ONA) congregation seeks an engaging, energetic, creative person to serve as Associate Pastor / Minister of Faith Formation and Visitation. The ideal candidate will have experience working with and building youth, family, and adult programs, will have a welcoming presence to people of all ages, and will help us further engage in outreach and justice work as we are formed and informed by our faith. The Minister of Faith Formation and Visitation will oversee the church’s spiritual development program for all stages of life in order to offer a cohesive plan of education and faith formation for all ages. This person will also spend approximately 25% of his/her/their time visiting our members who are homebound or have limited mobility, and making hospital visits. We do have certain tasks that must be done, and we do have a clear job description. However, we believe it is crucial to find someone who is the right fit for our congregation, rather than merely the person who checks all the right boxes. So tell us about your calling and passion. If you love to preach, we will include preaching in your responsibilities. If you have a heart for social justice, we can include time for that work as well. Love contemporary Christian music, community-building, or small groups? Tell us about it. We believe that the most meaningful ministry happens at the intersection of one’s gifts and the world’s needs. We are poised for growth. While we know that transformation can be slow and messy, our leaders are committed to making changes so that we will still be a thriving congregation for many years to come. We seek an Associate Pastor who can be part of us, grow with us, explore with us, and bring his/her/their whole self to ministry with us.
Date Posted 12/16/2019
Who To Contact
Title: Associate Conference Minister
Phone: 207-622-3100
Email: jfiscus@maineucc.org
What to Know
Association: Cumberland
Typical Search Process in our Conference: Ministerial Profile sent at candidate request; search committee shares Local Church Profile if interested.

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